Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
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bag·gage (băg′ĭj)n.1. The trunks, bags, parcels, and suitcases in which one carries one's belongings while traveling; luggage.2. The movable equipment and supplies of an army.3. Emotions or thoughts that stem from painful or unpleasant past experiences and that affect one's outlook or behavior: I lugged a considerable amount of psychological baggage from my adolescence (Stephen S. Hall).4. Archaic a. A woman prostitute.b. A girl or young woman, especially one is who impudent.[Middle English bagage, from Old French bague, bundle, perhaps of Germanic origin; akin to Old Norse baggi, bag, bundle. Sense 4, perhaps from French bagasse, from Provençal bagassa, ultimately from Arabic baġī, prostitute, from baġā, to fornicate; see bġy in Semitic roots.]