Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
The image with meter, scale, weight, size, numbers Iakov Filimonov (Jackf) . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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weigh 1 (wā)v. weighed, weigh·ing, weighs v.tr.1. a. To determine the weight of, as with a scale: weighed the tomatoes before buying them.b. To measure or apportion (a certain quantity) by weight. Often used with out: weighed out a pound of cheese.2. a. To balance in the mind in order to make a choice; ponder or evaluate: weighed the alternatives and decided to stay.b. To choose carefully or deliberately: weigh one's words.3. Nautical To raise (anchor).v.intr.1. To be of a specific weight: The dog weighs nearly 50 pounds.2. To have consequence or importance: The decision weighed heavily against us.3. a. To cause to bend heavily by added weight. Used with on or upon: a coating of ice that weighed on the slender branches.b. To be burdensome or oppressive. Used with on or upon: These concerns have been weighing on us for weeks.4. Nautical To raise anchor.Phrasal Verbs: weigh down1. To cause to bend down with added weight: vines that were weighed down with grapes.2. To give great worry or difficulty to; burden: The responsibilities of the new job weighed him down. weigh in1. Sports To be weighed at a weigh-in.2. To have one's baggage weighed, as at an airport.3. To be of a sp