Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
The image with rocks, wood, stick Victor Burnside - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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Bal·ance (băl′əns)n. See Libra.bal·ance (băl′əns)n.1. A weighing device, especially one consisting of a rigid beam horizontally suspended by a low-friction support at its center, with identical weighing pans hung at either end, one of which holds an unknown weight while the effective weight in the other is increased by known amounts until the beam is level and motionless. Also called scale.2. A state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces.3. The power or means to decide: matters that fell outside the judge's balance.4. a. A state of bodily equilibrium: thrown off balance by a gust of wind.b. The ability to maintain bodily equilibrium: Gymnasts must have good balance.5. A harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, as in a design.6. An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise.7. The difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences.8. Accounting a. Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account.b. The difference between such totals, either on the credit or the debit side.9. Something that is left over; a remainder.10. Chemistry Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of an equation.11. Mathematics Equality