Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
The image with red, man, people, drawing, board Grasko - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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net·work (nĕt′wûrk′)n.1. An openwork fabric or structure in which cords, threads, or wires cross at regular intervals.2. Something resembling an openwork fabric or structure in form or concept, especially:a. A system of lines or channels that cross or interconnect: a network of railroads.b. A complex, interconnected group or system: an espionage network.c. An extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support.3. a. A chain of radio or television broadcasting stations linked by wire or microwave relay.b. A company that produces the programs for these stations.4. a. A group or system of electric components and connecting circuitry designed to function in a specific manner.b. Computers A system of computers interconnected by telephone wires or other means in order to share information. Also called net1.v. net·worked, net·work·ing, net·works v.tr.1. To cover with an openwork fabric or structure.2. To broadcast over a radio or television network.3. a. To interconnect as components in a group or system.b. Computers To connect (computers) into a network.v.intr. To interact or engage in informal communication with others for mutual assistance or support.net