Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
The image with banana, slip, tripp, shadow, peal zenwae - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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slip 1 (slĭp)v. slipped, slip·ping, slips v.intr.1. a. To move smoothly, easily, and quietly: slipped into bed.b. To move stealthily; steal: slipped out the back door.2. a. To escape, as from a grasp, fastening, or restraint: slipped out of the wrestler's hold.b. To put on or remove a piece of clothing smoothly or quietly: slipped into a nightgown; slipped out of the shirt.3. a. To slide involuntarily and lose one's balance or foothold. See Synonyms at slide.b. To move accidentally out of place or fail to gain traction: The gear slipped.4. a. To pass gradually, easily, or imperceptibly into a different state: He slipped into a coma.b. To decline from a former or standard level; fall off: The senator's popularity has slipped.c. To elapse, especially quickly or without notice: The days slipped by.5. To fall into fault or error. Often used with up.v.tr.1. a. To place or insert smoothly and quietly: She slipped the letter into her pocket.b. To insert (a remark, for example) unobtrusively: managed to slip his criticisms in before the end of the meeting.2. To put on or remove (clothing) easily or quickly: slip on a sweater; slipped off her shoes.3. a. To get loose or free from; elude: slipped his pursuers.b. To fail to be remembered by: Her name sli