Pixwords Answers » 6 Letters
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chute (sho͞ot)n.1. a. An inclined trough, passage, or channel through or down which things may pass.b. A narrow, usually fenced passage for horses or cattle.c. A usually straight extension of one side of an oval racetrack, used to start certain longer races so that the finish line can be kept on a straightaway in front of the stands or clubhouse.d. A gated stall that is used to hold and release animals into an open area, especially horses and steers being ridden in a rodeo.2. A waterfall or rapid.3. A parachute.v. chut·ed, chut·ing, chutes v.tr. To convey or deposit by a chute.v.intr. To go or descend by a chute.Idiom: out of the chute At the very beginning; right away: Sales were strong right out of the chute.[French, a fall, alteration (influenced by chu) of Old French cheoite, from feminine past participle of cheoir, to fall, from Vulgar Latin *cadēre, from Latin cadere; see kad- in Indo-European roots. Sense 3, short for parachute.]