Pixwords Answers » 6 Letters
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re·sume (rĭ-zo͞om′)v. re·sumed, re·sum·ing, re·sumes v.tr.1. To begin or take up again after interruption: resumed our dinner.2. To assume, take, or occupy again: The dog resumed its post by the door.3. To take on or take back again: resumed my original name.v.intr. To begin again or continue after interruption.[Middle English resumen, from Old French resumer, from Latin resūmere : re-, re- + sūmere, to take; see em- in Indo-European roots.]re·sum′a·ble adj.re·sum′er n.ré·su·mé or re·su·me or re·su·mé (rĕz′o͝o-mā′, rĕz′o͝o-mā′)n.1. A brief account of one's professional or work experience and qualifications, often submitted with an employment application.2. A summary: a résumé of the facts of the case.[French, summary, from past participle of résumer, to summarize, from Old French resumer, to resume; see resume.]