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Pixwords Answers » 6 Letters

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man·gle 1  (măng′gəl)tr.v. man·gled, man·gling, man·gles 1. To mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or tearing: fishing nets that mangle fish.2. To ruin or spoil through ineptitude or ignorance: mangle a speech.[Middle English manglen, from Anglo-Norman mangler, frequentative of Old French mangoner, to cut to bits; possibly akin to mahaignier, to maim; see mayhem.]man′gler n.Synonyms: mangle, maim1, maul, mutilate These verbs mean to cause severe injury or damage: machinery that mangled the worker's fingers; a construction worker maimed in an accident; a hiker mauled by a hungry bear; soldiers mutilated by shrapnel.mangle2man·gle 2  (măng′gəl)n.1. A machine for pressing fabrics by means of heated rollers.2. Chiefly British A clothes wringer.tr.v. man·gled, man·gling, man·gles To press with a mangle.[Dutch mangel, from German, from Middle High German, diminutive of mange, mangonel, from Late Latin manganum, catapult; see mangonel.]
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See also these pixwords answers:
animal, wild, nature Chris Lorenz - Dreamstime
tie, ties, men, man Zimmytws - Dreamstime
arrows, man, left, right Bowie15 - Dreamstime
rocket, water, sea, ocean Tomasz Szymanski - Dreamstime
food, eat, cake, dessert, sticks, bread Tomo Jesenicnik - Dreamstime
material, bag Madrabothair - Dreamstime

Replies PixWords was created to help you when you get stuck on a word. You have the option to search by the number of letters in a word, the author of the image, or words that come to your mind when you look at the picture.
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