Pixwords Answers » 6 Letters
The image with sun, light, door, man, shape Andreus - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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shad·ow (shăd′ō)n.1. a. A dark area or shape made by an object blocking rays of light.b. The darkness or diminished light caused by the blocking of a light source: The back yard is in shadow all day long.c. A darker area in a picture or photograph.d. shadows The darkness following sunset.2. a. often shadows A darkened area of skin under the eye.b. An incipient growth of beard that makes the skin look darker.3. A feeling or cause of gloom or unhappiness: The argument cast a shadow on their friendship.4. a. A nearby or adjoining region; vicinity: grew up in the shadow of the ballpark.b. A dominating presence or influence: spent years working in the shadow of the lab director.5. a. An imitation or inferior version: The defenders of the Japanese home islands were already a shadow of the fighting forces American soldiers had encountered elsewhere (James Carroll).b. A phantom; a ghost.c. An unsubstantial object of pursuit: spent the last part of his career chasing shadows.6. a. One, such as a detective or spy, that follows or trails another.b. A constant companion.c. Sports A player who guards an opponent closely.7. A faint indication; a foreshadowing: a shadow of things to come.8. An insignificant portion or amount; a trace: beyond a shadow of a doubt.9.