Pixwords Answers » 6 Letters
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bar·rel (băr′əl)n.1. A large cylindrical container, usually made of staves bound together with hoops, with a flat top and bottom of equal diameter.2. The quantity that a barrel with a given or standard capacity will hold.3. Abbr. bar. or bbl. or bl. Any of various units of volume or capacity. In the US Customary System it varies, as a liquid measure, from 31 to 42 gallons (117 to 159 liters) as established by law or usage.4. A cylindrical or hollow part, especially:a. The thicker portion of a baseball bat, from which the most powerful hits are struck.b. The cylindrical part of a firearm through which the bullet travels.c. A cylinder that contains a movable piston.d. The drum of a capstan.e. The cylinder within the mechanism of a timepiece that contains the mainspring.5. The trunk of a quadruped animal, such as a horse or cow.6. The tubular space inside a wave when it is breaking.7. Informal A large quantity: a barrel of fun.8. Slang An act or instance of moving rapidly, often recklessly, in a motor vehicle.adj. Resembling or similar to a barrel, as in shape: a barrel chest; barrel hips.v. bar·reled, bar·rel·ing, bar·rels or bar·relled or bar·rel·ling v.tr. To put or pack in a barrel.v.intr. Informal To move