Pixwords Answers » 6 Letters
The image with pen, boy, man, people, classroom, student, pupil Robert Kneschke - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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an·swer (ăn′sər)n.1. a. A spoken or written reply, as to a question.b. A correct reply.2. a. A solution, as to a problem.b. A correct solution.3. An act in response or retaliation: Our only possible answer was to sue.4. Something markedly similar to another of the same class: cable TV's answer to the commercial networks' sportscasts.5. Law A defendant's response to the allegations against him or her.v. an·swered, an·swer·ing, an·swers v.intr.1. To speak or write as a return, as to a question.2. To act in response: Their team scored, but our team answered with a quick goal. 3. To be liable or accountable: You must answer for your actions to your supervisor. 4. To serve the purpose; suffice: Often I do use three words where one would answer (Mark Twain).5. To correspond; match: I found a dog answering to that description.v.tr.1. a. To speak or write in response to: answer a question.b. To say or write in reply: He answered that he was unable to join us.c. To argue in defense of oneself against (an accusation or charge).2. To act in response to: The police answered the call for help. The soldiers answered the attack.3. To be sufficient for (a need, for instance); fulfill: My fortune has answered my desires (Izaak Walton).4. <