Pixwords Answers » 6 Letters
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Cra·ter (krā′tər)n. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Hydra and Corvus.[Latin crātēr, mixing bowl, crater; see crater.]cratertop: Ol Doinyo Lengai, an active volcano in northern Tanzania (background) with a crater (foreground) formed by the collapse of a cone on its flankbottom: Meteor Crater, near Winslow, Arizonacratercra·ter (krā′tər)n.1. A bowl-shaped depression created by the activity of a volcano or geyser.2. a. A bowl-shaped depression in a surface made by an explosion or the impact of a body, such as a meteoroid.b. A pit; a hollow.3. Variant of krater.v. cra·tered, cra·ter·ing, cra·ters v.tr. To make craters in: The missiles did not ... crater the airfield (Tom Clancy).v.intr.1. To form a crater or craters.2. Slang a. To fall and crash violently from a great height.b. To fail utterly: talked about how tough times were in Texas since the oil business cratered (Stephen Coonts).[Latin crātēr, from Greek krātēr, mixing vessel; see kerə- in Indo-European roots.]