Pixwords Answers » 6 Letters
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is·land (ī′lənd)n.1. Abbr. Isl. or Is. or I. A landmass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water.2. Something resembling an island, especially in being isolated or surrounded, as:a. An unattached kitchen counter providing easy access from all sides.b. A raised curbed area, often used to delineate rows of parking spaces or lanes of traffic.c. The superstructure of a ship, especially an aircraft carrier.3. Anatomy A cluster of cells differing in structure or function from the cells constituting the surrounding tissue.tr.v. is·land·ed, is·land·ing, is·lands To make into or as if into an island; insulate: a secluded mansion, islanded by shrubbery and fences.[Alteration (influenced by isle) of Middle English ilond, from Old English īegland : īg, īeg; see akw-ā- in Indo-European roots + land, land; see lendh- in Indo-European roots.]Word History: It may seem hard to believe, but Latin aqua, water, is related to island, which originally meant watery land. Aqua comes almost unchanged from Indo-European *akwā-, water. *Akwā- became *ahwō- in Germanic by Grimm's Law and other sound changes. To this was built the adjective *ahwjō-, watery. This then became *awwjō- or *auwi-, wh