Pixwords Answers » 6 Letters
The image with find, man, lens, field, input, magnifying glass Sukmaraga - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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search (sûrch)v. searched, search·ing, search·es v.tr.1. To move around in, go through, or look through in an effort to find something: searched the room for her missing earring; searched the desk for a pen.2. To make a careful examination or investigation of; probe: search one's conscience for the right thing to do.3. Law To examine (a person or property) for the purpose of discovering evidence of a crime.v.intr.1. To search a place or space in order to find something: searched all afternoon for my wallet.2. To make a careful examination or investigation: searching for the right words to say.3. Law To make a search for evidence.n.1. An act of searching.2. Law The examination of a person or property, as by a law enforcement officer, for the purpose of discovering evidence of a crime.3. A control mechanism on an audio or video player that rapidly advances or reverses the playing of a recording.Phrasal Verb: search out To seek to find or come to know by examination: sought out the answer in a history book.Idiom: search me Slang Used by a speaker to indicate that he or she does not have an answer to a question just asked.[Middle English serchen, from Anglo-Norman sercher, variant of Old French cerchier, from Latin circāre, to go around, fr