Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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stone (stōn)n.1. a. Concreted earthy or mineral matter; rock.b. Such concreted matter of a particular type. Often used in combination: sandstone; soapstone.2. A small piece of rock.3. Rock or a piece of rock shaped or finished for a particular purpose, especially:a. A piece of rock that is used in construction: a coping stone; a paving stone.b. A gravestone or tombstone.c. A grindstone, millstone, or whetstone.d. A milestone or boundary.4. A gem or precious stone.5. Something, such as a hailstone, resembling a stone in shape or hardness.6. Botany The hard covering enclosing the seed in certain fruits, such as the cherry, plum, or peach.7. Medicine A mineral concretion in an organ, such as the kidney or gallbladder, or other body part; a calculus.8. pl. stone Abbr. st. A unit of weight in Great Britain, 14 pounds (6.4 kilograms).9. Printing A table with a smooth surface on which page forms are composed.adj.1. Relating to or made of stone: a stone wall.2. Made of stoneware or earthenware.3. Complete; utter. Often used in combination: a stone liar; stone-deaf.adv. Completely; utterly: stone cold; standing stone still.tr.v. stoned, ston·ing, stones 1. To hurl or throw stones at, especially to kill with stones.2. T