Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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seed (sēd)n. pl. seeds or seed 1. a. A mature plant ovule containing an embryo.b. A small dry fruit, spore, or other propagative plant part.c. Seeds considered as a group: a farmer buying seed.d. The seed-bearing stage of a plant: The grass is in seed.2. a. A larval shellfish or a hatchling fish: released scallop seed in the bay.b. An egg or cocoon of certain insects: silkworm seed.3. Something that resembles a seed, as:a. A tiny bubble in a piece of glass.b. Medicine A form of a radioactive isotope that is used to localize and concentrate the amount of radiation administered to a body site, such as a tumor.4. a. A source or beginning; a germ: the seed of an idea.b. A small amount of material used to start a chemical reaction.c. A small crystal used to start a crystallization process.5. Archaic a. Offspring; progeny.b. Family stock; ancestry.c. Sperm; semen.6. Sports A player who has been seeded for a tournament, often at a given rank: a top seed.v. seed·ed, seed·ing, seeds v.tr.1. a. To plant seeds in (land, for example); sow.b. To plant (a crop, for example) as seeds in soil.2. To remove the seeds from (fruit).3. To furnish with something that grows or stimulates growth or deve