Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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route (ro͞ot, rout)n.1. Abbr. Rt. or Rte.a. A road, course, or way for travel from one place to another: the route from Maine to Boston takes you through New Hampshire; ocean routes that avoided the breeding grounds of whales.b. A highway: traveled on Route 12 through Michigan.2. A fixed course or territory assigned to a salesperson or delivery person.3. A means of reaching a goal: The route to success required hard work.4. Football A pass pattern.tr.v. rout·ed, rout·ing, routes 1. To send or forward by a specific route. See Synonyms at send1.2. To schedule the order of (a sequence of procedures).[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin rupta (via), broken (road), feminine past participle of rumpere, to break; see rout1.]