Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
The image with flower, face, nose, yellow Aldodi - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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smell (smĕl)n.1. a. The sense, located in the nasal cavities of mammals and relying on the olfactory nerves, by which molecules borne in a fluid such as air can be perceived; the olfactory sense.b. A similar sense in other animals, as insects' ability to perceive air-borne molecules with their antennae.2. The act or an instance of smelling: got a smell of the pie.3. a. A quality of something that is perceived by the sense of smell; an odor: the smell of a barn.b. A distinctive enveloping or characterizing quality; an aura or trace: the smell of success.v. smelled or smelt (smĕlt), smell·ing, smells v.tr.1. a. To perceive (an odor) by the sense of smell.b. To perceive or detect (something) by a chemosensory organ, such as an antenna.2. To inhale the air near (something); sniff: smiled as she smelled the rose.3. To detect or discover, as by intuition or inference: We smelled trouble ahead. The committee tried to smell out corruption in law enforcement.v.intr.1. To use the sense of smell.2. To sniff: The dog was smelling around the bed.3. a. To have or emit an odor: The breeze smelled exactly like Vouvray—flowery, with a hint of mothballs underneath (Anne Tyler).b. To have or emit an unpleasant odor; stink: This closet smells.4. a. To be sugg