Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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drafthorse pull contestdraft (drăft)n.1. A current of air in an enclosed area.2. A device that regulates the flow or circulation of air.3. a. The act of pulling loads; traction.b. Something that is pulled or drawn; a load.c. A team of animals used to pull loads.4. Nautical The depth of a vessel's keel below the water line, especially when loaded: a river vessel of shallow draft.5. A heavy demand on resources.6. A written order directing the payment of money from an account or fund.7. a. A gulp, swallow, or inhalation.b. The amount taken in by a single act of drinking or inhaling.c. A measured portion; a dose.8. a. The drawing of a liquid, as from a cask or keg.b. An amount drawn: ordered two drafts of ale.9. a. The process or method of selecting one or more individuals from a group, as for a service or duty: a candidate who did not pursue the nomination, but accepted a draft by the party convention.b. Compulsory enrollment in the armed forces; conscription.c. A body of people selected or conscripted.10. Sports A system in which the exclusive rights to new players are distributed among professional teams.11. a. The act of drawing in a fishing net.b. The quantity of fish caught.12. a. Any of various stages in the development of a plan, docume