Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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leverdiagram of the three types of levers, showing fulcrum, direction of effort, and direction of force of the load (or resistance)top: a crowbarcenter: a wheelbarrowbottom: a shovellev·er (lĕv′ər, lē′vər)n.1. A simple machine consisting of a rigid bar pivoted on a fixed point and used to transmit force, as in raising or moving a weight at one end by pushing down on the other.2. A projecting handle used to adjust or operate a mechanism.3. A means of accomplishing; a tool: used friendship as a lever to obtain advancement.tr.v. lev·ered, lev·er·ing, lev·ers 1. To move or lift with a lever: levered up the manhole cover.2. To move (oneself, for example) in a manner resembling the use of a lever: [He] levered himself out the window all the way to his waist (Stephen King).3. To fund at least in part with borrowed money; leverage.[Middle English, from Old French levier, from lever, to raise, from Latin levāre, from levis, light; see legwh- in Indo-European roots.]