Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
The image with man, pants, crotch, shirt Andre Adams (Andreadams1974) . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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tight (tīt)adj. tight·er, tight·est 1. Fixed or fastened firmly in place: a tight lid; tight screws; a tight knot.2. Stretched or drawn out fully: a tight wire; a tight drumhead.3. Of such close construction as to be impermeable: cloth tight enough to hold water; warm in our tight little cabin.4. a. Leaving little empty space through compression; compact: a tight suitcase; a tight weave.b. Affording little spare time; full: a tight schedule.5. Closely reasoned or concise: a tight argument; a tight style of writing.6. Fitting close or too close to the skin; snug: a tight collar; a fit that was much too tight.7. Slang Personally close; intimate: me and the D.A., who happen to be very tight with one another (Tom Wolfe).8. Experiencing a feeling of constriction: a tight feeling in the chest.9. Reluctant to spend or give; stingy.10. a. Obtainable with difficulty or only at a high price: tight money.b. Affected by scarcity: a tight market.11. Difficult to deal with or get out of: a tight spot.12. Barely profitable: a tight bargain.13. Closely contested; close: a tight match.14. Chiefly British Neat and trim in appearance or arrangement.15. Marked by full control over elements or subordinates; firm: tight management; a tight orchestral performance.16. Slang Intoxicated; dr