Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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horntop: white rhinoceros and bighorn sheepbottom:western saddlehornhorn (hôrn)n.1. One of the hard, usually permanent structures projecting from the head of certain mammals, such as cattle, sheep, goats, or antelopes, consisting of a bony core covered with a sheath of keratinous material.2. A hard protuberance, such as an antler or projection on the head of a giraffe or rhinoceros, that is similar to or suggestive of a horn.3. a. The hard smooth keratinous material forming the outer covering of the horns of cattle or related animals.b. A natural or synthetic substance resembling this material.4. A container, such as a powder horn, made from a horn.5. Something having the shape of a horn, especially:a. A horn of plenty; a cornucopia.b. Either of the ends of a new moon.c. The point of an anvil.d. The pommel of a saddle.e. An ear trumpet.f. A device for projecting sound waves, as in a loudspeaker.g. A hollow, metallic electromagnetic transmission antenna with a circular or rectangular cross section.6. Music a. A wind instrument made of an animal horn.b. A brass instrument, such as a trombone or tuba.c. A French horn.d. A wind instrument, such as a trumpet or saxophone, used in a jazz band.7. a. A usually electrical signaling device that produces a loud resonant sound: an automobile ho