Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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Atlasstatue at theLinderhof PalaceEttal, GermanyAt·las (ăt′ləs)n.1. Greek Mythology A Titan condemned by Zeus to support the heavens upon his shoulders.2. atlas A person who supports a great burden.[Greek Atlās; see telə- in Indo-European roots.]at·las (ăt′ləs)n. pl. at·las·es 1. A book or bound collection of maps, sometimes with supplementary illustrations and graphic analyses.2. A volume of tables, charts, or plates that systematically illustrates a particular subject: an anatomical atlas.3. A large size of drawing paper, measuring 26 × 33 or 26 × 34 inches.4. pl. at·lan·tes (ăt-lăn′tēz) Architecture A standing or kneeling figure of a man used as a supporting column, as for an entablature or balcony.5. Anatomy The top or first cervical vertebra of the neck, which supports the skull.[After Atlas. Sense 1, probably from depictions of Atlas holding the world on his shoulders that appeared on the frontispieces of early works of this kind.]