Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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pause (pôz)v. paused, paus·ing, paus·es v.intr.1. To cease or suspend an action temporarily: She paused in her piano exercises to listen for the baby.2. To hesitate: He paused before replying.3. To linger; tarry: We paused for a while under the huge oak tree.v.tr. To cease or suspend the action of temporarily; stop for an interim: paused the printer to add more paper; paused the DVD with the remote.n.1. a. A break, stop, or rest, often for a calculated purpose or effect: After a dramatic pause, the lawyer finished her summation.b. A delay or suspended reaction, as from uncertainty; a hesitation: After a pause the audience broke into cheers.c. Delay or hesitation: spoke without pause for an hour.d. Reason for hesitation: The immensity of the task gives one pause.2. a. Music A sign, such as a fermata, indicating that a note or rest is to be held.b. A break or rest in a line of poetry; a caesura.3. A control mechanism on an audio or video player that halts the playing of a recording and permits playing to be easily resumed from the same point.[From Middle English, pause, from Old French, from Latin pausa, from Greek pausis, from pauein, to stop.]Synonyms: pause, intermission, recess, respite, suspension These nouns denote a temporary stop, as in ac