Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
The image with people, crowd, gathering, heads Ivan Hafizov - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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crowd 1 (kroud)n.1. A large number of persons gathered together; a throng.2. The common people; the populace.3. A group of people united by a common characteristic, as age, interest, or vocation: the over-30 crowd.4. A group of people attending a public function; an audience: The play drew a small but appreciative crowd.5. A large number of things positioned or considered together.v. crowd·ed, crowd·ing, crowds v.intr.1. To gather together in a limited space: The children crowded around the TV.2. To move forward by pressing or shoving: A bevy of reporters crowded toward the candidate.v.tr.1. To force by pressing or shoving: Police crowded the spectators back to the viewing stand.2. To force away by taking up space; displace: Urban sprawl crowded the farmers out of the valley.3. To draw or stand very near or too near to: The batter crowded the plate. Please don't crowd me.4. To press, cram, or force tightly together: crowded the clothes into the closet.5. To fill or occupy to overflowing: Books crowded the shelves.6. Informal To put pressure on; assail: Dark thoughts were crowding him.Idiom: crowd (on) sail Nautical To spread a large amount of sail to increase speed.[From Middle English crowden, to crowd, press, from Old English crūdan, to hasten