Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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stick (stĭk)n.1. A long slender piece of wood, especially:a. A branch or stem that has fallen or been cut from a tree or shrub.b. A piece of wood, such as a tree branch, that is used for fuel, cut for lumber, or shaped for a specific purpose.c. A wand, staff, baton, or rod.2. Sports A long thin implement with a blade or net on the end used to propel and control a puck or ball in hockey or lacrosse.3. A walking stick; a cane.4. Something that is long and thin: a stick of dynamite; a stick of gum.5. Slang A marijuana cigarette.6. a. The control device of an aircraft that operates the elevators and ailerons.b. Informal A stick shift.7. Nautical A mast or a part of a mast.8. a. A group of bombs released to fall across an enemy target in a straight row.b. Slang A group of paratroopers exiting an aircraft in succession.9. A timber tree.10. Informal A piece of furniture.11. A poke, thrust, or stab with a stick or similar object: a stick in the ribs.12. A threatened penalty: using both a carrot and a stick to keep allies in line.13. The condition or power of adhering: a glue with plenty of stick.14. sticks Informal a. A remote area; backwoods: moved to the sticks.b. A city or town regarded as dull or unsophisticated.15.