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Zeusdetail of a 6th-century bc Greek black-figure amphora showing Athena emerging from the head of ZeusZeus (zo͞os)n. Greek Mythology The principal god of the Greek pantheon, ruler of the heavens, and father of other gods and mortal heroes.[Greek; see dyeu- in Indo-European roots.]Word History: Homer's Iliad calls him Zeus who thunders on high and Milton's Paradise Lost, the Thunderer, so it is surprising to learn that the Indo-European ancestor of Zeus was a god of the bright daytime sky. Zeus is a somewhat unusual noun in Greek, having both a stem Zēn- (as in the philosopher Zeno's name) and a stem Di- (earlier Diw-). In the Iliad, prayers to Zeus begin with the vocative form Zeu pater, o father Zeus. Father Zeus was the head of the Greek pantheon; another ancient Indo-European society, the Romans, called the head of their pantheon Iūpiter or Iuppiter—Jupiter. The -piter part of his name is just a reduced form of pater, father, and Iū- corresponds to the Zeu in Greek: Iūpiter is therefore precisely equivalent to Zeu pater and could be translated father Jove. Jove itself is from Latin Iov-, the stem form of Iūpiter, an older version of which in Latin was Diov-, showing that the word once had a d as in Greek Diw-. An exact