Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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film (fĭlm)n.1. A thin skin or membrane.2. A thin, opaque, abnormal coating on the cornea of the eye.3. A thin covering or coating: a film of dust on the piano.4. A thin, flexible, transparent sheet, as of plastic, used in wrapping or packaging.5. a. A thin sheet or strip of flexible material, such as a cellulose derivative or a thermoplastic resin, coated with a photosensitive emulsion and used to make photographic negatives or transparencies.b. A thin sheet or strip of developed photographic negatives or transparencies.6. a. A movie, especially one recorded on film.b. The presentation of such a work.c. A long, narrative movie.d. Movies collectively, especially when considered as an art form.7. A coating of magnetic alloys on glass used in manufacturing computer storage devices.v. filmed, film·ing, films v.tr.1. To cover with or as if with a film.2. To record on film or video using a movie camera: film a rocket launch; film a scene from a ballet.v.intr.1. To become coated or obscured with or as if with a film: The window filmed over with moisture.2. To make or shoot scenes for a movie.[Middle English, from Old English filmen; see pel- in Indo-European roots.]