Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
The image with pearl, pearls, jewelry, white Karina Ponomareva (Streetphoto) . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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trim (trĭm)v. trimmed, trim·ming, trims v.tr.1. To make neat or tidy by clipping, smoothing, or pruning: trimmed his moustache; trimmed the hedges.2. a. To remove the excess or unwanted parts from: trimmed the pie crust; trimmed the budget.b. To remove (excess or unwanted parts): trimmed the rotten wood; trimmed the fat from the budget.c. To lose (weight or fat) deliberately, as by exercise or dieting.3. a. To decorate, especially by adding a border or contrasting element: trim a blouse.b. To arrange with display items: trim a store window.4. Informal a. To thrash; beat.b. To defeat soundly: trimmed their opponents in the first game.c. To cheat out of money: trimmed him of every dollar he had.d. To rebuke; scold.5. Nautical a. To adjust (the sails and yards) so that they receive the wind properly.b. To balance (a ship) by shifting its cargo or contents.6. To balance (an aircraft) in flight by regulating the control surfaces and tabs.v.intr.1. Nautical a. To be in or retain equilibrium.b. To make sails and yards ready for sailing.2. a. To affect or maintain cautious neutrality.b. To fashion one's views for momentary popularity or advantage.3. To lose weight deliberately. Often used with down.n.