Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
The image with hand, axe, pick, work Phovoir - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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pick 1 (pĭk)v. picked, pick·ing, picks v.tr.1. To select from a group: The best swimmer was picked.2. a. To gather in; harvest: They were picking cotton.b. To gather the harvest from: picked the field in one day.3. a. To remove the outer covering of; pluck: pick a chicken clean of feathers.b. To tear off bit by bit: pick meat from the bones.4. To remove extraneous matter from (the teeth, for example).5. To poke and pull at (something) with the fingers.6. To break up, separate, or detach by means of a sharp pointed instrument.7. To pierce or make (a hole) with a sharp pointed instrument.8. To take up (food) with the beak; peck: The parrot picked its seed.9. To steal the contents of: My pocket was picked.10. To open (a lock) without the use of a key.11. To provoke: pick a fight.12. Music a. To pluck (an instrument's strings).b. To play (an instrument) by plucking its strings.c. To play (a tune) in this manner: picked a melody out on the guitar.v.intr.1. To decide with care or forethought.2. To work with a pick.3. To find fault or make petty criticisms; carp: He's always picking about something.4. To be harvested or gathered: The ripe apples picked easily.n.1. The act of picking, especially with a sharp pointed i