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Pixwords Answers » 3 Letters

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TAGabbr. The Adjutant Generaltag 1  (tăg)n.1. A strip of leather, paper, metal, or plastic attached to something or hung from a wearer's neck to identify, classify, or label: sale tags on all coats and dresses.2. The plastic or metal tip at the end of a shoelace.3. The contrastingly colored tip of an animal's tail.4. a. A dirty, matted lock of wool.b. A loose lock of hair.5. A rag; a tatter.6. A small, loose fragment: I heard only tags and snippets of what was being said.7. An ornamental flourish, especially at the end of a signature.8. A designation or epithet, especially an unwelcome one: He did not take kindly to the tag of pauper.9. a. A brief quotation used in a discourse to give it an air of erudition or authority: Shakespearean tags.b. A cliché, saw, or similar short, conventional idea used to embellish a discourse: These tags of wit and wisdom bore me.c. The refrain or last lines of a song or poem.d. The closing lines of a speech in a play; a cue.10. Computers a. A label assigned to identify data in memory.b. A sequence of characters in a markup language used to provide information, such as formatting specifications, about a document.c. A metatag.11. Slang A piece of graffiti featuring text, especially the author's name, rather than a picture: Instead of a cursive linear tag,
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See also these pixwords answers:
snake, fish, swim, water, ocean, sea, animal Deborah Coles (Debycoles)
crayon, write, object Bigemrg - Dreamstime
green, eyelids, eye Goran Turina - Dreamstime
animal, wild, nature, forest Jaymudaliar - Dreamstime
corn, food, vegetable, vegetables, eat, rotten Jevtic
circle, red, black, blue, material Sarkao - Dreamstime
bee, spoon, jar, yellow Blueee - Dreamstime
cup, award, gold Dedmazay - Dreamstime

Replies PixWords was created to help you when you get stuck on a word. You have the option to search by the number of letters in a word, the author of the image, or words that come to your mind when you look at the picture.
Pixwords is a crossword puzzle that has grown rapidly in popularity. Pixwords has games crossword in 19 languages and is available on phones with Android and iOS operating system, ie iPhone, iPad and iPod.

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