Pixwords Answers » 3 Letters
The image with bus, kids, drive, driver Viola Di Pietro (Violad) . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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bus (bŭs)n. pl. bus·es or bus·ses 1. A long motor vehicle for carrying passengers, usually along a fixed route.2. Informal A large or ungainly automobile.3. A four-wheeled cart for carrying dishes in a restaurant.4. Electricity A bus bar.5. Computers A parallel circuit that connects the major components of a computer, allowing the transfer of electric impulses from one connected component to any other.v. bused, bus·ing, bus·es or bussed or bus·sing or bus·ses v.tr.1. To transport in a bus.2. To transport (schoolchildren) by bus to schools outside their neighborhoods, especially as a means of achieving racial integration.3. a. To carry or clear (dishes) in a restaurant.b. To clear dishes from (a table).v.intr.1. To travel in a bus.2. To work as a busboy.[Short for omnibus. V., intr., sense 2, back-formation from busboy.]