Pixwords Answers » 10 Letters
The image with boy, child, kid, naked, human, person Leung Cho Pan (Leungchopan) . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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scratch (skrăch)v. scratched, scratch·ing, scratch·es v.tr.1. To make a thin shallow cut or mark on (a surface) with a sharp instrument.2. To use the nails or claws to dig or scrape at.3. To rub or scrape (the skin) to relieve itching.4. To scrape or strike on an abrasive surface.5. To write or draw (something) by scraping a surface: scratched their initials on a rock.6. To write or draw hurriedly: scratched off a thank-you note.7. a. To strike out or cancel (a word, for example) by or as if by drawing lines through.b. Slang To cancel (a project or program, for example).8. To withdraw (an entry) from a contest.v.intr.1. To use the nails or claws to dig, scrape, or wound.2. To rub or scrape the skin to relieve itching.3. To make a harsh scraping sound.4. To gather funds or produce a living with difficulty.5. a. To withdraw from a contest.b. Games To make a shot in billiards that results in a penalty, as when the cue ball falls into a pocket or jumps the cushion.n.1. a. A mark resembling a line that is produced by scratching.b. A slight wound.2. A hasty scribble.3. A sound made by scratching.4. a. Sports The starting line for a race.b. A contestant who has been withdrawn from a competition